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Groundwire works to introduce youth and young adults to the transformational gospel of Jesus Christ by leveraging the most appropriate and popular social media platforms in society

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"I don't want to die... I just don't want to continue living like this."

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"Does Jesus really love me? Because, sometimes it doesn't feel like he does."

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"How is it possible that I am 27

years old and no one has ever told

me that God loves me?"

Generations Crying Out for Help

The younger generations (Millennial and Gen Z) are aimless, distracted, and confused. They are broken and lost. Jesus would classify them as "Harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd." (Matthew 9:35-38) Their crisis is real and it can be the doorway through which they will consider all Jesus offers.

  • 71% are "absolutely certain" or "fairly certain" that God exists


  • 68% believe in heaven


  • 65% rarely or never attend church


  • 39% have no religious affiliation

  • Gen Z is two or three times more likely to think about, plan, or attempt suicide. More than doubled from the previous generation.


  • 65% would claim to be Christian


  • Less than 1 in 5 can tell you how to become one

Jesus is the Solution

Millennials and Gen Z are asking the question "Where can I find hope?", "Please tell me life will get better", and "What is my purpose?" Jesus needs to be at the center of those conversations. He can provide hope, perspective, purpose, and value. And only He can offer forgiveness and eternal life. Young people are drowning (and dying) in this culture that strips them of joy, peace, and direction. But if they are approached in the right way, with the right message, they are discovering that Jesus can answer all of life's meaningful questions.

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Delivering salvation to crisis generations.

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A Relevant Approach

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By understanding the emotional and spiritual condition of the younger generations, Groundwire is changing the way that they view God using a very specific and effective 5-step funnel serving both English and Spanish speakers.


Groundwire does not offer an invitation to church that may be ignored; instead, we interrupt them right on the smart phones they never put down.


Through videos, our website, and 24-hour coaching, we communicate the Gospel in a relevant and authentic way.


In addition to listening, loving, and encouraging each one who visits one of our sites in English or Spanish, our goal is to lead each person toward a commitment to Christ.


We offer tools to help New Believers grow vertically towards Christ and horizontally towards local community.


Finally, we work to bridge New Believers to a local community of believers where they can continue on their journey.


2023 Impact Report


Commercials Viewed
(2022: 2,274,142,021)


Professions of Faith
(2022: 533,414)


Web Visits
(2022: 7,914,548)

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Cost per POF
(2022: $7.97)

... the impact keeps growing...


Where we're headed. 

Now, with a proven model to reach young adults for Christ through innovative digital strategies, Groundwire is positioned to significantly scale its impact over the calendar year to reach at least 1 MILLION YOUNG PEOPLE profess faith in Jesus and to see 30% of new believers making a meaningful first step in their discipleship journey by the end of 2024.


As you consider how you can be a part of introducing young people to the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ, please know your prayer and financial investment make all the difference.



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Will you commit to transforming lives at one of these investment levels?

How Can I Help?

PRAY - Receive weekly prayer updates by signing up at
COACH - Join our team of online volunteers at
CHAMPION - Join other champions to share at
INVEST - Invest to see young people come to faith at

Strategic philanthropy opportunities such as stock giving and leveraging
your assets through a donor-advised fund are available.


Sean Dunn, the founder and President of Groundwire, has worked with youth and young adults  full-time for over 30 years. He began serving in local church youth ministries, and in 1997, he began traveling full-time as a speaker and author. Although he was finding success through those outlets, he began to ask the question, “How do we reach the ones that don’t want to be reached? How do we influence the ones that aren’t asking the right questions and won’t come where we are?” After praying and studying trends and culture, the strategy for Groundwire was born.

Since 2003, Groundwire has been leveraging media and technology in order to share the love found in Jesus Christ with youth and young adults. By placing well-produced and relevant commercials on the social  media sites where these generations spend so much time, we are able to share authentic hope with many who might not be ready to walk into a church.

Each commercial invites the viewer to have a conversation with “someone who understands”. Twenty-four hours a day, there are volunteer coaches online ready to listen, encourage, and point chatters to Jesus.

Scripture says that His kindness leads us to repentance but so many people don’t believe He is kind and loving. They see Jesus as angry and judgmental. By strategically putting the message that Jesus cares into these media channels, we are seeing hearts open to the truth of Jesus and we are seeing lives transformed.

In order to maximize our effectiveness, Groundwire uses multiple messaging campaigns or brands to help us reach more young people with the hope of Christ. We currently operate ad campaigns as and; in Spanish as and along with seven other campaigns.

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith


We are convinced that the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
Hebrews 4:2, 1Timothy 2:4, 2 Timothy 3:16



We are convinced that there is one God in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
John 14:16, Mark 1:10-11, Matthew 28:19



We are convinced that Jesus Christ gave His life on the cross to redeem mankind from the sin nature we are born into and give eternal life; no one comes to the Father except through His Son, Jesus Christ. Salvation is a free gift for all who confess to the Lord Jesus with their mouth, believe in the resurrection of Christ, and repent from their sin.
James 5:16, John 3:16, Romans 10:9, John 14:6, Acts 4:12



We are convinced that Christ can bring healing and hope to every situation in life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 53:5, Psalm 147:3, Exodus 15:26



We are convinced that Jesus Christ is Lord and that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. What He did 2,000 years ago, He is still doing today through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit operating through those who believe in Him.
Hebrews 13:8, John 14:12



We are convinced that full devotion and extravagant affection for Jesus Christ and His cause should be the norm for every believer.
John 12:1-11, Luke 9:23-24, Matthew 16:24-25, Luke 12:31



We are convinced that the believer will grow towards God when the discipline of prayer is coupled with worship and the reading, memorizing and meditation on the Word of God.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 1:1-3



We are convinced that prayer is a two-way communication between God and the believer, and the fervent heartfelt prayer of a righteous man or woman avails much.
Acts 22:14, James 5:16



We are convinced that God does not dwell with a particular denomination or style. The body of Christ has many different looks, but everyone who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is a part of the same body.
John 17:23, Romans 15:5-6, Romans 12:4-5, 1 Corinthians 12:13



We are convinced that God has a passion for all peoples. He has a plan and a calling for them, and they are set apart for righteousness. God is rising up an army of on-fire, God-loving people who are going to raise a standard of Godliness up before their peers and the world.
Psalm 7:17 Acts 2:17-18, Jeremiah 29:11



We are convinced that within the recognition that God's grace is sufficient in our weakness lies the truth that we are responsible for our actions and that a love for Jesus will produce the fruit of righteous obedience and the rejection of sinfulness to the end of a moral lifestyle as outlined in Scripture.  Gal. 5:19-26, Gal 6:12-20



We are convinced that God created human beings - male and female - in His image. "Gender" is an intentional and good part of God's creation, and human sexuality is a precious gift designed to be shared exclusively in a monogamous marriage between one man born male and one woman born female. The Bible also regards singleness as sacred, teaching that some glorify God with their sexuality by living a life of celibacy.

Gen. 1:27, Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:4-6, Matt. 19:10-11

  • Why does Groundwire raise money?
    To share Biblical hope, love and purpose with as many as possible. People partner with Groundwire financially allowing us to share the message that Jesus cares with Millennials in the United States who are lost and hurting.
  • How can I donate to the mission?
    There are multiple ways that you can give to impact Millennials and Gen Z through Groundwire. You can give online HERE. You can send a check to Groundwire PO Box 1323, Castle Rock, CO 80104 You can give through your donor-advised fund to Champion Ministries, dba Groundwire. Our EIN# is 84-1341326
  • When I donate, where does my money go?"
    All financial gifts fund the critical work of evangelism by sharing the Gospel message through marketing outlets and by helping provide internet support to those who are taking that next step towards Christ.
  • What percentage of my donation goes towards programs?
    Groundwire adheres to ECFA financial guidelines requiring at least 78% of revenue to be designated towards program. Historically, Groundwire has invested over 80% directly into program expense.
  • How can I set up a monthly donation?
    It’s quick and easy to sign up online HERE or give us a call at 303.660.3582 and we will help you get it set up.
  • I am a monthly donor and some of my information has changed-how do I change it?
    Give us a call at 303.660.3582 or send an email to and we would love to help you get updated.
  • Is my donation tax-deductible?
    If you’re in the U.S., yes. You’ll get a tax receipt annually emailed for all donations made in the calendar year. For any gifts in kind, a receipt will be sent within 10 days of receiving the gift. For all international partners, you would have to examine your countries policy to determine if your gifts to Groundwire are eligible for tax credit in your country.
  • Do you publish your annual financials and audited reports?
    We have a transparency policy that applies to our financial and metrics accountability. Downloadable links are provided below for our previous year's financials and our audited reports. 2023 Audit 2023 Metrics Audit 2023 990 Documentation
  • I would like to speak with someone in leadership. How can I reach the staff or Groundwire’s Board?
    If you have a question, concern, or comment, you can email our leadership at Any communication will be forwarded to the appropriate person/people and if a response is required, you can expect one within a timely manner. You can check out our 2024 Board of Directors roster by clicking here.
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