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using social media to reach  younger generations with the love of christ

"I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest."  John 4:35

Image by Becca Tapert

"There was an urgency in Jesus' words regarding the harvest and we believe that urgency remains.  People are more open to considering and responding to the claims of Christ right now than they have ever been in the past.  As young people try to process pain, confusion, shame, and misery, they are open to conversations about who Jesus is and all that He offers.  And, not only does he answer the felt needs of peace, joy, love, and purpose, but He also is the only doorway through which they can experience eternal life.  

Our promise is that we will do everything we possibly can to be as Spirit-led as possible, to be culturally relevant, and intelligently innovative to reach as many people as we possibly can with the message that Jesus offers them everything they are truly searching for. "

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–Sean Dunn, Founder and President of Groundwire.

Our StrategY

Many people wonder, “How does Groundwire reach a generation that is so lost, so distracted, and surrounded by so much darkness?” The answer is simple. We bring the light of Christ to them, exactly where they are.

​​​These young people are flooding platforms like TikTok and Instagram seeking an outlet from the chaos that surrounds them. We recognize this, and so we pay to have our Gospel-focused ads show up on their phones in the hopes of helping them find freedom in Christ.

Check out the video to see how our "interruption" works.


​​By saturating the digital media landscape with the message of God's love, we are seeing hearts open to the offer of Jesus and lives transformed. Since 2017, Groundwire has seen over 2 million people place their trust in Christ! But we don't want to stop there! The harvest is ripe (John 4:35) and He wants all to come to a knowledge of the truth and be saved (I Timothy 2:4).

As you consider how you can be a part of introducing young people to the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ, please know your prayer and financial investment makes all the difference.

2024 Mid-year
impact report

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Web Visits

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Professions of Faith

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Cost per Profession of Faith

The significance of your investment

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Your investment is made.

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Your investment is used to reach lost people on Instagram and Facebook with ads like those above.

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Your investment is also used to reach lost people on Tiktok with our Gospel-presentation slideshows.

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Individuals from Instagram and Facebook are taken to our Gospel page, where they are presented with the Gospel and the opportunity to chat with one of our volunteer coaches, who will listen, empathize, and share the hope found in Jesus with them.

TikTok users that make a PUBLIC profession of faith in Jesus are then directed to our Hope Connection Follow-up where they are provided with high-quality, relavent content that helps them grow in their faith. 

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Depending on which website they visit, Instagram and Facebook users who accept Jesus will be directed to our Hope Connection Follow-up or Groundwire Discord page, where we will help them grow in their faith and connect with a local church.

Since January 1st, 2024,

our Tiktok Outreach has seen over 130,000 individuals make a public profession of faith in Jesus. A majority of these individuals fall in the 13-24 age range, and are facing struggles similar to Josh, a young boy whose life was radically transformed after coming across our Gospel presentation and praying to accept Jesus.

"I felt completely destroyed and depression started to consume until I prayed this prayer."

(Josh, TikTok User)

"Sean and his team at Groundwire are accomplishing extraordinary breakthroughs as they find and trigger the pain points of America’s Millennials and Gen-Zs. With confidence, we are honored to be resource partners in this critical effort to see vital relationships with Jesus sparked in the young people who are the future of our country and our churches."

(Bob ShaNK, The Masters Program)

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