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but there is


Even though many of us are required to stay home, even away from churches, God is still reaching the lost and broken


As social distancing has taken affect in many of our communities across the globe and the fear of the unknown grips our hearts, people are looking for hope and they are looking for connection. With the typical places that they turn to closed, including churches, Groundwire is uniquely positioned to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the hurting and broken.


With the sole focus of reaching people where they are via social media marketing, the ministry of Groundwire is not only still active but it is actually thriving. As individuals are sheltering in place, they are spending significantly more time on their devices - particularly on social media feeds. This creates an even greater opportunity to share the message of the Gospel and an opportunity to chat with someone in real time who can help each one find true hope.


Groundwire is currently seeing record numbers of people requesting a coach in our chat platform and who are responding to the call of salvation on our website. But as the scripture says, the harvest is many but the workers are few so we need your help to bring all of these people home. 



Since our platform is uniquely positioned for such a time as this, it is crucial for us to have prayer partners who will lift this ministry up daily.


Specifically, we need prayers that the social media platforms continue to allow us to market, that God would draw the hearts of those who see the commercials, and that we could continue to expand our reach on each platform.


Click the button above to learn about our prayer team and how to be a part.


Because the method of ministry we do is based on our ability to market on social media, our reach is directly influenced by how much money we can spend on marketing.


We are currently seeing a person come to faith for every $18 we receive. Your generosity during this time helps us to reach even more people with the Gospel.


Click the button above to learn more about how you can partner with us financially.


A significant part of what we do is offering a 24 hour chat platform where people can engage with a spiritual coach in a real time, texting environment.


Because of the fear and anxiety that many people are feeling during this time, we have seen our chat traffic increase significantly. The harvest is many but the workers are few -- we need more coaches.


Click the button above to learn about how to join our coaching team.


Since we are a ministry that targets the entire nation via social media, we are evangelizing in every community in the United States.


In order to continue to see people in your area come to faith through our ministry efforts, we need local partners like you who can champion the cause within your circle of influence.


Click the button above to learn about how to join your local Champion's Circle.



Youth in America are in crisis. Millions have lives filled with pain and empty of meaning. Seventy-eight million Americans were born between 1980 and 2000. This is the Millennial Generation. Although 65% of them would claim Christianity if they were filling out a government form, less than 20% have a biblical understanding of Jesus and matters of salvation.


If statistics are true, less than 1 in 5 Millennials have a relationship with Christ that provides forgiveness and the promise of Heaven. This leaves over 60 million who are dying in their sin. This is a huge mission field. One we cannot ignore.


It has been said that the Millennial Generation is the most difficult to reach with the Gospel, but if you know where to reach them…and how, the task becomes much easier.  Groundwire has discovered an efficient and predictive way to deliver the message to Millennials in a way that they are willing to consider the love and hope of Christ.


The Jesus Cares Outreach is an aggressive media initiative of Champion Ministries, dba Groundwire.


Sean Dunn, the founder and President of Groundwire has been in full-time Christian youth work for over 30 years. He has served in local church youth ministries, and in 1997, he began traveling full-time as a speaker and author. Although he was finding success through those outlets, he began to ask the question, “How do we reach the ones that don’t want to be reached? How do we influence the ones that aren’t asking the right questions and won’t come where we are?” After praying and studying trends and culture, the strategy for Groundwire was born.


Since 2003, Groundwire has been leveraging media and technology in order to share the love found in Jesus Christ with youth and young adults. By placing well-produced and relevant commercials on the utilized media channels, we are able to share authentic hope with many who might not be ready to walk into a church.


Each commercial invites the viewer to have a conversation with “someone who understands”. Twenty-four hours a day, there are volunteer coaches online ready to listen, encourage, and point chatters to Jesus.


The Jesus Cares Campaign is the next evolution of the same strategy. Scriptures says that His kindness leads us to repentance but more people don’t believe He is kind and loving. They see Jesus as angry and judgmental. By strategically leveraging the most useful media outlets with the message that Jesus Cares, we are seeing hearts open to the offers of Jesus and we are seeing lives transformed.


The Jesus Cares Outreach is an initiative that brings the hope of the Gospel to thousands through national ad buys on social media


Sean Dunn is the Founder and President of Groundwire. The national office is in Castle Rock, CO.


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